New CharActers | 新漢字

Chinese characters, with its own special structural regulation, can be divided into different components according to their positioal arrangement. So this is an experiment where I tried to divide the canvas into different parts and run multiple CA rules on one canvas. Ideally, we may see parts of different characters communicate/merge with each other.

Unfortunatly, it might be a silly idea to run multiple rules on one CA, since this kind of automaton is designed for running one rule uniformly to all the cells. Even though I tried to have multiple rules executed on one canvas, it turned out that the states of the cells in different rules cannot be shared. This means, they cannot really communicate as expected.

I gave up working on this experiment very soon when I figure out the idea doesn't work, but still put the result here for documentation. I'm also thinking about other ways to implement this idea...

Please leave a message if you found this interesting, or have some suggestions. Much appreciated!