-> The model is trained on a neural network called
Pix2Pix designed by Isola et al. It is largely based on
affinelayer's pix2pix-tensorflow project.
Recursive Radical Packing Language (RRPL) is a method of describing arbitrary Chinese characters concisely while retaining their structural information, proposed by artist Huang Lingdong. Part of my code regarding the RRPL algorithm
is borrowed/modified from Lingdong's original project documented on
Github. You can check out more of his work
-> This project uses the
P5.js library for rendering interactive web demos.
-> I would like to thank my dad for his effort and contribution to this work, and my mom for her great support.
-> The machine-generated calligraphy work should be printed and exhibited with my dad's work on Chinese ink-painting paper [Xuanzhi|宣紙].